Best Couple Quotes for Facebook & Whatsapp Status


Couple Quotes, love Couple Quotes, love quotes

Hi friends! Today I am gonna share best Couple Love quotes. What is love? Love is caring, trust, falling for each other, each others life. Its really hard to define love. To be in a relationship you both doesn’t need to have same character, It just need to best understanding of their differences. So here are some best couple quotes you can use for Facebook and Whatsapp status.

Best Couple Quotes for Facebook and Whatsapp.

“Missing you is my hobby, Caring for you is my job,
Making you happy is my Duty and loving you is my life.”

“Trying to forget someone you love is like
trying to remember someone you never met.”

“Call me greedy, call me selfish,
But I don’t want anyone else holding your hand.”

“I want to be in your arms
where you hold me tight and never let me go.”

“Sometimes words are not enough to make someone feel that you care for them.
Sometimes it needs a little effort to convince them that you really care.”

“If you want me, show me,
If you need me, tell me,
If I’m worth it, fight for me.”

“Love is when you give the power to break you
But trusting him not to.”

“I wish I can explain to you how I feel,
Because every night before I go to sleep, You’re all I think about.”

“Your lips? I kiss that. Your body? I hug that.
My smile? You cause that. Your heart? I want that.”

“I never wanted anything, Other than to be your everything.”

“Wouldn’t it be the love perfect crime
if I stole your heart and you stole mine?”

“Can I borrow a kiss? I promise I’ll give it back.”

“Forget all the reasons why it won’t work
and believe the one reason why it will!”

“The happiest couples never have the same character.
They have the best understanding of their differences.”

“You will meet one person and your whole life changes forever.”

“Love is about growing together as a couple,
Learning about each other and not giving up.”

“True lovers are never apart. Maybe in distance but never in heart.”

“You being in my arms. Hear by heart feels
like our love would never end.”

“When I listen to my heart it whispers your name.”

“I smile like an idiot when I’m talking to you.
Doesn’t matter if it’s in person or through text
or through anything else. I just smile because it’s you.”

“I don’t think you understand how easily you make my day.”

“One day we will never have to say Goodbye. Only Goodnight.”

“Remember the day we first started talking to each other
Cause that’s what started you and I. ”

“You are my one in six billion.”

“Once you learn how to be happy, You won’t tolerate
being around people that make you feel anything less.”

“I won’t promise to be yours forever,
 because I won’t live that long,
but let me be yours for as long as I live.”

“All the cute things you do simply tickle my heart.”

“Ever since I met you,
no one else is worth thinking about.”

“If a kiss could say just how I love you…
my lips would be on yours forever.”

“Every Love story is beautiful,
But ours is my favorite.”

I hope You gonna like these love couple quotes. If you have any other beautiful lines please comment below.


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