Heart Touching Quotes in English


“Unless U Speak From Heart,

U Can’t Touch Anyones’s Heart,

If U Have Choice, Choose The Best.
If U Have No Choice,Do The Best.”

“The most confused we
ever get is when we
try to convince our
heads of something our
hearts know is a lie.”
Karen Moning

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“Just because i am strong enough to handle Pain,
doesn’t mean i deserve it.”

“No matter how good or bad your life is,
wake up each morning and be thankful that you still have one.”

“Why Is It So Hard To Fall In Love?
Because Sometimes You Fall And
No One Was There To Catch You.
Sometimes You Fall And They Don’t
Have Enough Strength To Hold You.
And Sometimes You Fall And
The Wrong Person Catches You.”

These are some of the heart touching love quotes in English. we hope that you gonna like it. And if you want to share your feelings with quotes then you can share with us through email karamjeet786sandhu@gmail.com. Your name will be shown or hidden if you want. All these quotes are related with feelings of heart.



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