How to make married life Happy and Romantic?


married life, happy married life

Now days we are so busy that we don’t even have time to express our love and feelings to those who is special for us or we can say important person of our life. Today we are going to suggest you some tips that can bring back romance in your married life and make it happy.

Spend more Time

Many a times you are with your partner in the same room for a long time but you are not having conversation between you as you are busy with your own work. So if you are alone with your partner then talk with him/ her, asks about what is going on in his/her life and try to spend as much time as you can with your partner.

Go for a date

Arrange a baby sitter for your kids (if you have) and go for a date. If he likes dancing then you can go to the place like club, where you can dance. Take your husband to the bowling parlor if he likes playing games. All this brings charm in your romantic life.

Guys, you can also arrange a date for your wife. Notice about her likes and dislikes and plan accordingly.

Cook for your partner

So ladies, you know that the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach. So cook for you partner the dishes he likes. And if you are not good enough in the cooking skills then order what he likes from his favorite restaurant and arrange a romantic candlelight dinner for him.

But hey guys, you can also cook for your dear wife. Even if you are not a good cook you can make a simple dish and she will definitely love it. It might be not tasty if you don’t know to cook but she will definitely love your effort to impress her. So you can also try to become a chef.

Leave notes

While leaving your house you can write a love note or SMS him that where you are going. Mostly men reacts toughly but after reading your love note this may bring smile on his face as he know where you are.

And guys if you have planned something with your friends in the office then you should also tell your wife that you will get late and she should not bother about you.

Expressing your Love

Leaving a love note or SMS is nothing like that you are always trying to show him that you love him now and then. This only shows that even after a many years of your married life you still love him/ her too much. 

Give more attention

We all love to have attention from our partner. So for ladies it’s advisable that praise your husband for his hard work, his dressing style, etc. and he will love it.

And guys, ladies also love attention. They also want to get praised by his husband for the food she cooked for you and also her looks. So appreciate her also.

Plan for a Trip

If you are not able to spend much time together then plan for a vacation. You can plan a small trip or long trip depending upon kind of time you both have. Sunday is a holiday, both of you can go for a one day trip. Even you can take him/ her to the place where he/ she always want to go.

Spend time with each other

If it’s not possible to go for vacation, go for a long drive after a dinner or go for shopping together or either go anywhere else. Find the different ways to spend time together and be in each other’s company.

Let him/ her spend time with his/ her friends

It’s very good that you are spending time together, but he/ she will appreciate you if you let him/ her spend time with his friends on holiday evening or may be at any other time. And don’t call when he/ she is with his/ her friends, as he/ she will not like this.

Appreciate his help

Always try to tell him/ her that you appreciate his/ her helps or whatever he/ she do. This is the appreciation only which make him/ her to fall in love with you again and again.  

I hope you like my article on how to make married life happy and romantic. If you have any other point to make married life romantic then share with us by commenting.


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