6 ways to stay Happy in a Relationship


happy relationship, relationship

Are you in a relationship? Are you looking for relationship? Just getting out of relationship?

6 must haves to Happy Relationship

  1. Trust: jealousy is the death of any relationship. To have a happy relationship. You must 100% trust you partner and they must 100% trust you.
  2. Open communication: Tell the truth, the whole truth. If you don’t want to share your life with someone then why are you with them? You know, you have to learn to be honest and expect them to do the same. If you make a mistake then admit to them. If you have doubt talk to them about those doubts. Secrets and lies kill relationships. Have openness, speak the truth and be willing to listen.
  3. Honoring the others point of view: people disagree and couples are definitely gonna disagree. You shouldn’t want your partner to agree 100% with everything you say or do. I mean that you are attracted to that person for reason because of who they are. So it’s important remain truly yourself, who you are and allow you partner to remain true to themselves, who they are.
  4. Generosity: Greed and selfishness can kill any relationship. True love is generous and spirit. You have to be able to give not necessarily give material things but you need to give time, give love and give attention and affection. Most generosity is not about material things but material things can be important. It doesn’t have to be most expensive things in the world you could make your partner card, you can pick flowers for your partner. You can do something from the heart. You know sometimes little things are necessary to fill that affection from the other person. You know to have happy relationship be generous, very generous of your love and affection and your time.
  5. Forgiveness: Happy couples they give each other completely for whatever they done. Now if there is something within relationship you cannot forgive, then the best thing you is to leave a relationship because it will never work if your partner is done something that has lost all your trust and lost all your respect and you cannot forgive them. You might as well leave because it will not work.

    Recommended: What to do when you are not happy in relationship

  6. Gratitude: Happy couples are continuously grateful for each other. Every day there are many reasons to be great about your partner. Find those reasons and thank your partner for them. Show your appreciation.

Let’s sum it all up….

No I am not saying that if you have six things in relationship its guarantees that it works. I am saying is to have someone happy relationship, you need to have these six things in it, you know, you need to have that communication, trust, openness, respect, affection all that stuff. Its needed in a happy relationship.


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