Best 30 Status for Facebook


facebook status

Here are 30 best Facebook statuses. I hope you will like these. Choose your Facebook status as per your feelings.

“Honesty is a very expensive gift, don’t expect it from cheap people…”

“Real friend don’t get offended when you insult them
they smile and call you something even more offensive.”

“Love the one who loves you, not whom you loved.”

“Don’t mix between my PERSONALITY ad my ATTITUDE
because my PERSONALITY is ME and my attitude depends on YOU.”

“You can’t have a better tomorrow,
if you are thinking about yesterday all the time.”

“A FAKE smile can hide a million tears.”

“I know that I’ll never have you, but still
keep on loving you and it kills me inside knowing that…”

 “If you don’t clear your misunderstanding in time
they become the reason for distance forever.”

“Sometimes the best memories are sad,
because you know they will never happen again”

“Don’t give up on love because there is always someone who
love you, even if its not the person you were hoping for…”

“A broken heart is like broken ribs, you can’t see the damage
but every breath hurts…”

“If Facebook had a dislike button, there would be that one kid
who would dislike everyone’s status just to be annoying.”

“IT’S hard to trust someone the second time around after
they already gave you one reason not to trust them…”

“Sometimes people don’t notice what we do for them until we stop doing it.”

“7 Billion People in the world… BUT!! My heart choose you <3”

“I don’t hate you for loving me anymore,
but I hate myself for still loving you.”

“Words are the only weightless thing in the world that can actually make u feel heavy !!…”

“Travel. As much as you can. As far as you can.
as long as you can. Life’s not meant to be lived in one place.”

“my one hand is enough to fight against the world… if you hold the other one…”

“Don’t compare yourself with anyone in the world,
if you do so, you are insulting yourself.”

“I hug my pillow when I miss you…”

“If you change the way you look at things,
the things you look at change.”

“Empty pocket teaches you a million things in life…
But, Full pocket spoils you in a million ways…”

“There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so.”

“Lock me in your heart and throw away the key.”

“Sometimes you win her by letting her go out of your life…<3.”

“I told GOD to protect me from my enemies and I started losing friends.”

“Respect people’s feelings. Even if it doesn’t mean anything to you,
it could mean everything to them.”

“Some people think that to be strong is to never feel pain.
In reality, the strongest people are the one who feel it, understand it and accept it…”

“If your eyes are positive, then you will love the world…!!!
If your tongue is positive, then the world will love you…!!!”


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