Cheated In Love Status for Facebook | Whatsaap


I don’t understand why the hell people cheat. Whats there??? Just to have one night stand with someone else or for money. Do you really think these things gonna make you happy? If you are cheating on someone who is willing to do anything for you. Then actually you have cheated yourself out of true loyalty. You can use these cheating in love quotes or thoughts as your Facebook status and Whatsaap status but I don’t my friends to use these because with these cheating quotes you only gonna remember how your partner cheated and I don’t want my friends to feel sad. But if you still wanna use you can have a look and choose the best-cheated quotes which suits you.

Here are some of the best cheated in love quotes which you can use as facebook and whatsaap status. And Express your feelings.

“Crying does not mean that the person is weak..
But it means that person has a heart.”

“We met, we talked, we likes, we texted, we dated, we committed
I loved, you cheated, we’re done, you’re deleted.”

“I hate you because you make me hate you.”

“How do you get over being cheated on
when you’re still in love with him.”

“I’m proud of my heart, it’s been played, stabbed, cheated,
burned and broken, but somehow still works.”

“Facebook is like a relationship:
Faithful own your wall, but cheating in their inbox…”

“I just want an honest relationship.
No lies, no mind games, no cheating.”

“The only thing I learned from love is the power it gives someone to crush you.”

“Love is not a matter of counting the years. It’s making the years count,”

“Don’t cheat; if the feelings aren’t there then you shouldn’t be either.”

“Cheating on a good person is like 
throwing away a diamond and picking up a rock.”

“Cheating on someone is deeper than people think; it destroys their outlook
on love, their future relationships and peace within themselves.”

“The worth thing about being lied is to knowing you weren’t worth the truth.”

“I usually give more chances than they deserve but once I’m done, I’m done.”

“Don’t cheat if you’re unhappy just leave.”

“The toughest part of letting go is.. Realizing that the other person already did.”

“If I treated you, the way you treated me. You would hate me.”

“If you succeed in cheating someone, don’t think that the person is a fool.
Realize that the person trusted you much more than you deserved.”

“A relationship isn’t a test so why cheat?”

“Being cheated on hurts but it’s the thought of him loving another girl hurts even worse.”

“I’m a good enough person to forgive you, But not stupid enough to trust you again.”

“If he will cheat on her that means he will cheat on you.”

“You don’t have to have sex to cheat. 
Once you find yourself deleting texts, you’re almost there.”

“I tried to keep us together, you were busy keeping secrets.”

“Cheating is a choice, not a mistake.
Loyalty is a responsibility, not a choice.”

“Rubix cubes are easy, when you’re color blind.”

“Relationships are like crystals, 
you don’t realize how much you love it until it breaks.”

“A promise means everything but once it is broken, sorry means nothing.”

“Ice melts when heated and eyes melt when cheated.”

“If you really love that person,
You wouldn’t even think about cheating on them.”


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