Famous romantic Wedding wishes quotes


wedding quotes, wedding wishes quotes, famous wedding quotes

Are you married? if not then you must be the world’s happiest person, HAHAHA! Just kidding. Marriage plays an important role in our life. We all need someone to whom we can share our life. Sometimes people says that marriage is a shit, but thats wrong. I have seen many married couples who are living happily. We can’t spend our whole life alone. So find your partner with whom you gonna be happy.

You are here, either you are marring or you are wishing someone. So here are best collection of famous romantic wedding wishes quotes.

“A successful marriage requires falling in love many times, always with the same person.”

“Marriage is not a noun, it’s a verb, it’s not something you get,
it’s something you do. It’s the way you love your partner everyday!”

“A great marriage is not when the perfect couple comes together
It is when an imperfect couple learns to enjoy their differences.”

“There is nothing better for two who love each other than marriage.”

“You don’t marry someone you can live with,
you marry the person who you cannot live without.”

“The great marriages are built on teamwork a mutual respect, a healthy dose of admiration
and a never ending portion of love and grace.”

“Love is not about how much you say ‘I LOVE YOU’
But how much you can prove that it’s true.”

“Marriage, like life is a constant struggle firstly for union,
then for equality and then for independence.”

“It is not a lack of love, but a lack of
friendship that makes unhappy marriages.” –Friedrich Nietzsche

“A good marriage is the union of two good forgivers.” –Mark Twain

“Happiness in marriage is a moment by moment choice.
A decision to love, forgives, grow and grow old together.”

“The goal in the marriage is not to think alike,
but to think together.” –Robert C. Dodds

“If there is such thing as a good marriage, it is
because it resembles friendship rather than love.”

“When you make the sacrificing in marriage in marriage,
you’re sacrificing not to each other but to unity in a relationship.”

“A happy marriage is not based on the number of months or years you’ve been together.
A Happy marriage is about how much you love each other every day.”

“Happiness is being married to your best friend.”

“A strong marriage requires two people who choose to love each other
even on those days when they struggle to like each other.”

“A perfect marriage is just two imperfect people who refuse to give up on each other.“

“The wrong choice of partner can bring you misery.
The right choice of partner can bring you happiness.”

“Success in marriage does not come merely through finding the right mate,
but through being the right mate.” – Barnett R. Brickner

“Two souls but a single thought
two hearts that beat as one.”

“The wedding ring goes on the left ring finger
because it is the only finger with a vein that connects to the heart.”

“Once in a lifetime you meet someone who changes everything. That is the date we meet.”

“Couples who love each other a thousand things without talking.”

I hope you liked our famous romantic wedding quotes. You can choose any quotes which express your feelings.


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