How to Get a Girl to Notice You Without Talking To Her


How to Get a Girl to Notice You

You want to make an impression on your crush (girl), you like to talk to her and want to propose her? Then you are at right place use these tips proved by Manpreet Singh Sandhu at GNDU university.

Do you like a girl in your school or college or any other place? And you don’t know how to talk to her or get her to notice you?
Then here is the solution for your problem.

1. Center of attention: you have to become the center of everyone attention. Be funny make noise, be with your friends and enjoy a lot especially when your crush is near to you or passing near to you. Group of friends always get more attention than a single person.

2.Dress well: Dress well and smartly according to the latest trend and proper fashion with good sense of colour that suits you. Don’t think to look unique. But what you wear look good in it. Means your dress should fit to you, it should not be oversized or small.

3.Eye contact with her: Getting your crush to notice you, may take a time, especially if you are a shy guy. Shy guy avoid most of attentions.
But whenever if you get a chance to do eye contact with her then don’t miss that opportunity. You must grab that opportunity. Like while sitting in class or in office. Look into her eye for more than one second if she is looking at you, pass some gesture or expression. But don’t overdo it in your first week.


4. Be some Bold: Be bold in limit. You might have noticed the guy having lot of fun with interesting memories all the time are some bold. And the shy guy feels it at embarrassing or awkward but the girls always like that kind of guy. So create some noise by doing karaoke or other things to grab her attention.

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5. Know one of her friend: if you don’t want to play a risk game, then get her one of friend to know about your feelings. So that he or she will approach for you and you will get little attention and she will notice you more.

6. Confidence: Confidence is the main thing. In fact we can say confidence is everything. Confidence helps us to attract girls or we can say to attract our crush. So if you are not doing anything then also be in confident. Stand up with confidence, walk and talk with confidence. Girls like confidence guy more than other. So always be confident.

So use this tips to get your crush notice to you. And share your experience with us.


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