Why you are not able to find valuable friends?


find friends, valuable friends

A few of us wants to know what’s wrong with them because he can’t find or make valuable friends, Friends who really care about him. First of all stop blaming yourself because there are so many people out there. And sometimes I ask myself all the time why now more than ever are, there are so many people who only cares about themselves. Really they don’t care about anybody but themselves. It’s like what can you do for me and may be it’s that there are more people like that, it’s like I am noticing them.

But there are good people, they really really are. They have your back and really care about you but you have to find them and you have to clean out the bad ones, it takes time. I am not saying that drop everyone of your friend and live your life alone. But they are putting you at the backburner, so you need to put them at backburner. Well you look farther friends seriously and I am not saying that this is a mission to find other friends. But in the way he does, you just have wake up. You see people every day and ya get together with your friends. When you got nothing else to do call him up may be.

But only if you have absolutely nothing else to do and you feel to go out with them. If they call you at the last minute or because they need someone else and whatever and you are just like the last person they contact, go if you feel like don’t if you don’t. But first of all I will try to put yourself in the position or you can meet other people. If you have a choice between go somewhere someone you just met. Will you meet other people or you hangout with your old friends? You go with the new people.

Don’t dismiss people because they are not like you. Your best friend in life could be somebody who is completely opposite. You are not competing with the same girlfriend or boyfriend, you are not competing with the same jobs, you are completely different. So what you need to look into your friend is the same thing you look for in romantic relationship. There are many people who are really picky to find a girlfriend or boyfriend. You can’t be picky with your friendships because they will burn you.

So find people that have your back, they really care about you even if they do something off the wall and you are like “ohhhhh”, that’s not me. Ya, but so what? this person could be really creative, and you are very intellectual and somehow you felt that you have nothing in common but you are great friends that’s probably what’s gonna happen.

My point is open your mind to new people and also don’t get close to people who just suck up all your time and energy and its them them and them. And you are on phone with them for hours with some problem they have got going on. But you have the least little thing that you like to discuss and they are like nowhere found. You don’t need those one sided friendships.


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